Monday, July 29, 2013

Node.JS tutorial - Create a simple chat with module - Part 3

Source Code: 

In that part we will create the chat functionallity (= Communication between the clients and the server).

Adding the chat communication functionallity


Add inside the body tag a script block:

<script type="text/javascript">

2Creating a client socket uses WebSockets. That means that when a client connects to the server, the connection remains open ("Wikipedia": WebSocket is a web technology providing full-duplex communications channels over a single TCP connection).
Let's connect to the server and get a brand new socket for our client by adding:

  // our websocket
 var socket = io.connect();

Keep the userName in a global variable by adding:

 var userName;

3Writing login client logic

Let's start by implementing "onLogInLogOut()" function.
First we will take his user name from the text-box by :

userName = document.getElementById("txtUserName").value; 

And we'll check whether it's a "LogIn" or "LogOut" :

// get button text
var btnLogInLogOut = document.getElementById('btnLogInLogOut');
var txtBtnLogInLogOut = btnLogInLogOut.textContent || btnLogInLogOut.innerText;
if(txtBtnLogInLogOut == 'LogIn') {
else {

Suppose it's a LogIn, we need to inform the server that a new user has just connected.
We do it by:

// send join message
socket.emit('join', userName);

Here is the full LogIn condition, including changing "LogIn" button to a "LogOut" button after the user connected:

if(txtBtnLogInLogOut == 'LogIn') {
// send join message
socket.emit('join', userName);
btnLogInLogOut.innerText = 'LogOut';
document.getElementById('btnSendMessage').disabled = false;


We need to keep the users, so we'll add an array as a global variable:

var users = {};

g. Let's define the 'join' event whenever a client connects:

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
   socket.on('join', function(userNameParam) {

io.sockets.on('connection', function() { .. } ) - is a built-in event, and we use it to trigger each client connection.
As a result, we are getting a socket for that client, and we define the event that we have been using in the client side (remember "socket.emit('join', userName);" ?).

Here's a brief on the LogOn cycle from point of view:
User loads the page and socket is created ( "var socket = io.connect();" ).
"io.sockets.on('connection', ...)" is being triggered and all of the events definitions are save to that socket.
User clicks on the LogOn button and 'join' is being called on server ("socket.emit('join', userName);").
"socket.on('join', function(userNameParam)" is triggered due to the call.


Add the full 'join' event:

socket.on('join', function(userNameParam) {
    socket.join('chatchannel'); // create/join a room
    users[userNameParam] = userNameParam; // save the user name in the users array
    socket.userName = userNameParam; // save the user name inside the socket
    socket.emit('firstLogin',users); // when a user login first, call 'firstLogin' only in that client socket'chatchannel').emit('addConnectedUser',userNameParam); // tells everyone except that user that a new user has been connected'chatchannel').emit('message',userNameParam, 'I am connected !'); // tells every client that the user connected
}); allows us to use a "room" functionallity. That means a few sockets can join a room, and the server can refer to that room when transferring messages (it's very easy to implement chat rooms like that, right ?).
In our chat version, we use only one room which called 'chatchannel' : 

Regarding the UI, if a user login we want to add all of the users to the listview, so we need a special event for it on the client side. We will call 'firstLogin' on the client by: "socket.emit('firstLogin',users);".

Now we need to inform all the connected users (clients) about that user who had just connected:'chatchannel').emit('addConnectedUser',userNameParam);
That will inform everyone in that room, except the brand new user (= the current socket).


Define the 'firstLogin' event on the client, which adds all user names to the users list, and 'addConnectedUser' which adds the new user to an existing users list on a connected client.
Again, 'firstLogin' - for a brand new connected user, 'addConnectedUser' - for all of the connected users which already has a users list in their UI.

socket.on('firstLogin', function(data) {
    var ulFriends = document.getElementById('friends');
    ulFriends.innerHTML = '';
    for (i in data) {
addUserToList(ulFriends, data[i]);
socket.on('addConnectedUser', function(data) {
    var ulFriends = document.getElementById('friends');
    addUserToList(ulFriends, data);
function addUserToList(ulFriends, userName) {
    var li = document.createElement('li');
   li.setAttribute('id','user-' + userName);

When a user closes the chat browser tab, or press 'LogOut' we notify the chat clients, and leaving the 'chatchannel' room:

socket.on('leave', onUserDisconnected);

socket.on('disconnect', onUserDisconnected);

function onUserDisconnected() {
  delete users[socket.userName]; // removing the user from users list'chatchannel').emit('logout',socket.userName); // call logout event on each client'chatchannel').emit('message',socket.userName, 'I am disconnected !'); // tells every client that the user disconnected
  socket.leave('chatchannel'); // leaving 'chatchannel' room

Keep in mind that 'leave' is our event, and 'disconnect' is a built-in event.

Removing the disconnected client from the users list in each client:

socket.on('logout', function(data) {
var user = document.getElementById('user-' + data);

When a user sends message, we want to notify the server:

function onSendMessageClick() {
    var messageText = document.getElementById("txtUserMessage").value;
    socket.emit('send',userName, messageText);

Sending the message to all clients:

socket.on('send', function(userName, messageText) {'chatchannel').emit('message',userName, messageText);

Getting the message and publish it to the text area place:

socket.on('message', function(userName, messageText) {
   document.getElementById("txtUserMessage").value = '';
   var ulChat = document.getElementById('chat');
   var li = document.createElement('li');
   var userSpan = document.createElement('span'); = 'red';
   userSpan.innerHTML = userName + ': ';
   var messageSpan = document.createElement('span');
   messageSpan.innerHTML = messageText;


We're done! 
Now you have a nice not-fancy chat built with node.js.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Node.JS tutorial - Create a simple chat with module - Part 2

Source Code:

In my previous post, I explained how to:
1. Install node.js environment and modules
2. Create a template application using express module
3. Install Eclipse IDE and node.js plugin

Now let's start building our chat application. PLEASE work with Google Chrome. I didn't test it on other browsers and i'm not sure about it's compitability.

First of all, I've searched for a decent CSS for chat, so I googled and found that post:
Create "stylesheets" under "public" directory and add "chat.css".

We are ready to write some code!

Creating the chat view

1. Create "chat.hjs" under "views" folder. ".hjs" extension tells the engine it's a hogan.js template.

2. At first, we'll include file and jquery (although I'm not sure we will be using the last).

  <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/chat.css' />
  <script src="/"></script>
  <script src=""></script>

3. Creating the view includes:

"upperPanel" - divided to two list: "chat" for the chat messages, "friends" for the chat users list.
"bottomPanel" - divided to two panels:
"messagePanel" - contains text area for the user to send messages, and a "send" button. Please note the onclick="onSendMessageClick()".
"signInPanel" - contains text box for the user to enter his chat user-name, and a "LogIn" button. Please note the onclick="onLogInLogOutClick()".

<div id="wrapper">
   <div id="upperPanel">
           <ul id="chat">
        <ul id="friends">
   <div id="bottomPanel">
    <div id="messagePanel" style="float:left">
       <textarea id="txtUserMessage" style="resize:none;height:80px;float:left;width:800px;"></textarea>
       <input id="btnSendMessage" onclick="onSendMessageClick()" type="submit" style="width:50px;height:80px;float:right;" disabled="disabled" value="send" />
       <div id="signInPanel" style="float:right">
        <input id="txtUserName" style="width:130px;" type="text" name="userName"/>
        <button id="btnLogInLogOut" onclick="onLogInLogOutClick()">LogIn</button>

Also add session id div, just in order to demonstrate hogan.js:

<div id="sessionId" style="float:right">
Session Id: {{sessionId}}

The curly buckets mention that this data would be injected from the server.

4. Server configurations and events

Let's take a break from the client-side, and move to write some node.js server code. We had just written a server call, so let's try to catch it.


Open app.js, which is the main file of our server application. This is where all starts. 
Please remove all code before you continue.


Add those module imports including on top:

var express = require('express')
  , routes = require('./routes')
  , user = require('./routes/user')
  , http = require('http')
  , path = require('path')
  , socketio = require('')  // library for realtime web applications based on WebSocket protocol


Create the server, and make availiable on server by:

var app = express()
, server = http.createServer(app)
, io = socketio.listen(server);


Add those configurations to your express application:

    app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
    app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
    app.set('view engine', 'hjs');
    //app.use(express.logger('dev')); // Express logger
    app.use(express.cookieParser()); // To parse cookies
    app.use(express.session({secret: '1234567D9sQWERTY'})); // To use sessions
    app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); 

You can see that we are setting the port of our server application, defining what is our view engine (hogan.js) and so on. We are doing this with app.set().
The app.use() calls pass 'middleware' functions for express to use. Each layer is essentially adding a function that specifically handles something to the flow through the middleware.
For example by adding "app.use(express.bodyParser());",  we ensure that our server handles incoming requests through the express middleware, and now parsing the body of incoming requests is part of the procedure that the app middleware takes when handling incoming requests.

Also add:

app.configure('development', function(){

That line would tell our app to use the middleware errorHandler function when running on development mode. (We can run development mode by writing: process.env.NODE_ENV='development' in our node app)


Start the server on the chosen port by adding:

server.listen(app.get('port'), function(){
console.log("Express server listening on port " + app.get('port')); 


Now we want to configure routing for our app. 
We want our chat app to be placed at: "{URL}/chat".
Add to app.js:


And modify index.js to:

module.exports = function(app) {
  app.get('/', index);

var index = function(req, res){
    res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });    

var chat = function(req, res){ 
    res.render('chat', { sessionId:});

"app.get('/chat',chat);" - sends all GET requests of '/chat' to 'chat' function we have defined.
"res.render('chat', { sessionId:});" - that line tells the engine to render 'chat.hjs' view, and to inject the user's session id.


In that part we created a basic chat view, and set some configurations to our server.
Now we are all set to create the communication between the clients and server.

Thank you Blogger, hello Medium

Hey guys, I've been writing in Blogger for almost 10 years this is a time to move on. I'm happy to announce my new blog at Med...