Hi all,
I've wrote a simple tic-tac-toe application using Angular2 framework.
I really think that angular framework brings a major positive change to client side development.
For those who makes their first steps with it, I recommend doing the heroes tutorial from Angular official site:
For those who makes their first steps with it, I recommend doing the heroes tutorial from Angular official site:
In my tic-tac-toe app I've used those angular2 functionalities:
In my tic-tac-toe app I've used those angular2 functionalities:
- Two-Way binding
- Multiple Components
- Router
- Service
- Forms
Now i'm working to add some unit tests with Karma & Jasmine.
Now i'm working to add some unit tests with Karma & Jasmine.
You can find the source code here:
Download or Clone it, hit "npm start" and have fun.